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  1. Participation of women in various Afghan institutions

    8 March 2013 KABUL - The past dozen years have seen various watershed moments in terms of women’s empowerment in Afghanistan. 

  2. Japan donates US$ 281 million to UN to fund projects

    28 February 2013 KABUL -  Japan gave US$ 281 million in aid today to the United Nations funds in Afghanistan.

  3. Celebrating student activism, Kabul youths highlight need to eliminate violence against women

    27 November 2013 KABUL - Hundreds of university students gathered in the Afghan capital of Kabul today for a colourful United Nations-backed event held to drive home to ...

  4. From crib to classroom: Alarming levels of school-age drug addiction in Afghanistan

    2 June 2010 KABUL - Today, an international delegation spearheaded by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) completed a critical three-day mission assessing the situation of dru

  5. Message on world day to combat desertification

    16 June 2011 The people who live in the arid lands, which occupy more than 40 per cent of our planet, are among the world’s poorest and most vulnerable to hunger.

  6. Afghan women reporters, seizing on global trends, empower voices against abuse and violence

    25 November 2017 MAZAR-I-SHARIF - In a year when the # metoo hashtag has inspired women across the globe to tell their personal tales of harassment and unwanted sexual advances in the workp

  7. UNAMA condemns reported beheading of civilians, reiterates call for civilians to be protected

    27 August 2012... - The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) strongly condemns the gruesome murder of 17 Afghan civilians including ...

  8. UNAMA condemns reported beheading of civilians, reiterates call for civilians to be protected

    28 August 2012... - The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) strongly condemns the gruesome murder of 17 Afghan civilians including ...

  9. Civilian casualties the focus of advocacy meeting in Kunduz

    4 June 2015 KUNDUZ - The protection of civilians in armed conflict was the focus of a UN-backed advocacy meeting, held in Kunduz, that brought together key members of the local community.

  10. UNAMA calls for safety first, as civilian casualties rise by 14% in 2009

    13 January 2010... - The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) today called on all sides of Afghanistan’s conflict to minimize the ...
