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  1. UNAMA's review of the week - photos and stories

    1 July 2010 1 July 2010 - Download UNAMA's review of the week in stories and photos. ...

  2. UNAMA's review of the week - photos and stories

    22 July 2010 22 July 2010 - Download UNAMA's review of the week in stories and photos. ...

  3. UNAMA's review of the week - photos and stories

    30 September 2010 30 September 2010 - Download UNAMA's review of the week in stories and photos. ...

  4. UNAMA's review of the week - photos and stories

    21 October 2010 21 October 2010 - Download UNAMA's review of the week in stories and photos. ...

  5. UNAMA's review of the week - photos and stories

    26 November 2010... 25 November 2010 - Download UNAMA's review of the week in stories and photos. ...

  6. UNAMA's review of the week - photos and stories

    3 December 2010 2 December 2010 - Download UNAMA's review of the week in stories and photos. ...

  7. UN Afghan report on torture in detention shows some progress, calls for more action

    25 February 2015 KABUL  -  A UN report released today on the torture and ill-treatment of conflict-related detainees in Government detention facilities shows some progress and welcomes the new admin

  8. UNAMA tells international community to buy local

    19 July 2009... - The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) and the Peace Dividend Trust today met with procurement officials from ...

  9. Students in Herat join the fight against drug abuse

    9 July 2010 9 July 2010 - Dark scenes of blood dripping from giant poppy flowers and skulls and burning fields where beheaded farmers recline – these are just some of the paintings created by students of Behza

  10. Fewer casualties caused by pro-Goverment forces, increase from anti-Government forces

    9 August 2012 KABUL - About a month ago a Kabul resident was enjoying a midsummer evening with his family at a hotel on a lake outside of the city.
