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  1. SRSG Lyons at the World Press Freedom Day 2021 ceremony

    5 May 2021 SRSG Lyons at the World Press Freedom Day 2021 ceremony 3 May 2021 - KABUL- The following is a transcript of the closing remarks of the Secretary-General's Special Representative for Afghanistan, Deborah Lyon...

  2. Former mujahideen trade in weapons for bees!

    14 February 2010 QARABAGH - Barely an hour away from the bustle of Kabul and the miasma of Afghan politics, change is taking place, albeit slowly, in Qarabagh, the second largest district of Kabul

  3. Thousands of political posters on the streets of Kabul

    17 June 2009 17 June 2009 - Large billboards, posters and all kinds of publicity materials are starting to decorate the famous corners of the streets of Kabul as the elections race gets underway.  

  4. UN agencies work toward educating girls in Herat

    28 June 2010 28 June 2010 - For the last four months, 15-year-old Firouzan has been learning to read and write with 20 other women from Khale Jan, a small village on the outskirts of Herat city.  

  5. Developing women’s entrepreneurship

    2 March 2013 A young girl making garments in Herat. (Photo: Fardin Waezi) Twelve years ago, the future prospects for Herat resident Sadiqa Tamasuki looked bleak.

  6. Press encounter with the UN Special Representative, Ján Kubiš

    28 May 2014 HERAT -  Good afternoon and thank you very much for coming. This is a very short press stakeout and I would like to make a short statement.

  7. Transcript of excerpted remarks of UN special envoy Ján Kubiš at a news conference with IEC

    31 July 2014 KABUL - The following is the near-verbatim transcript of the remarks of the Secretary-General's Special Representative for Afghanistan, Ján Kubiš, at a news conference with the Boa

  8. A tribune for Afghan journalists expresses optimism

    2 May 2010 2 May 2010 - A journalist by choice, Gulistan Ghalib needs no introduction in eastern Afghanistan.  

  9. A life in the field: A deminer’s story

    5 April 2010 5 April 2010 - “For a deminer, the first mistake is also the last one. There is no second chance.”

  10. Transcript of the media encounter of Nicholas Haysom on election audit (27 August 2014)

    27 August 2014 KABUL  - Below is the near verbatim transcript of the media encounter of the Deputy Special Representative of UN Secretary-General for Afghanistan, Nicolas Haysom on the status of a
