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  1. UN top envoy de Mistura observes Mine Action Day with deminers

    5 September 2011 KABUL - Dozens of deminers wearing crisp blue uniforms and face-protecting helmets lined up to greet the United Nations Special Representative of Secretary-General for Afghanistan,

  2. Huge logistical challenges of the 2009 Afghan elections

    2 August 2009 KABUL - As the final weeks approach for the 20 August presidential and provincial council elections the massive logistical operation behind organizing the polls is becoming clear.

  3. Women voice their election concerns in Bamyan

    13 July 2009 12 July 2009 - As the election date approaches, debate among the people of central Afghanistan to choose the next president is gaining pace.  

  4. Hague Conference focuses on Afghanistan’s priorities

    30 March 2009 30 March 2009 - Eighty countries and 20 international organizations are coming together in The Hague under the auspicious of the United Nations to discuss the future of Afghanistan.

  5. Electoral Complaints Commission reaches out to the provinces

    16 June 2009 16 June 2009 - More than one hundred and seventy complaints officers are moving out to the provinces for the forthcoming elections in Afghanistan.  

  6. UN top envoy Staffan de Mistura observes Mine Action Day with Deminers

    3 April 2010 3 April 2010 - Dozens of deminers wearing crisp blue uniforms and face-protecting helmets lined up to greet the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Afghanistan, Staffan de Mistur

  7. Huge logistical challenges of the 2009 elections

    2 August 2009 2 August 2009 - As the final weeks approach for the 20 August presidential and provincial council elections the massive logistical operation behind organizing the polls is becoming clear.

  8. General Assembly adopts a resolution reaffirming continued long-term support to Afghanistan

    28 November 2012 NEWYORK  - The United Nations General Assembly adopted a “consensus resolution” in New York yesterday reaffirming the continued long-term support of the international community f

  9. Afghan youth throw their weight behind efforts to seek sustainable peace

    24 July 2012 KABUL - A day after a three-day national gathering of Afghan youth concluded in the capital Kabul, the youth leaders today marched to the Presidential Palace to submit their recomm

  10. North eastern Afghanistan hears about the elections

    21 June 2009 KABUL - Across Afghanistan a huge outreach programme is moving up a gear as hundreds of thousands of people start to hear about the forthcoming elections.
