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  1. Top UN envoy: Interference by officials in electoral process must stop

    7 July 2009 7 July 2009 – The top United Nations envoy in Afghanistan, Kai Eide, has called for a stop to the increasing interference by government officials in the election process.  

  2. Respect for law and human rights in mediation of civil cases at heart of discussion in Kunduz

    26 February 2019 KUNDUZ - Participants at an event in the north-eastern province of Kunduz, say skilful mediation promotes dialogue, brings disputing parties closer together and helps with peaceful

  3. Peace - the overriding priority, say community leaders in the south

    21 January 2021 KANDAHAR –  Peace remains the foremost priority for Afghanistan stressed participants during a series of UN-backed discussions and events

  4. Baghlan civil society, government forge stronger ties at UN-backed event

    1 February 2017 PUL-E-KHUMRI - Enhancing the transparency and accountability of government in the interest of improving local development initiatives was the focus of a UN-backed event in the nort

  5. Afghanistan’s most famous theatre star passes away

    22 April 2010 22 April 2010 - Anisa Wahab, the famous theatre star of the country, quiets us inaudibly on the night of 18 April in Kabul.  

  6. Afghan Ministry of Interior intensifies efforts to ensure polling station security

    23 February 2014 KABUL - Afghanistan’s Ministry of Interior (MoI) has been intensifying efforts to ensure security for the maximum number of the polling stations on election day, slated for 5 Ap

  7. Regional governors discuss peace and development agenda in southern Afghanistan

    25 July 2013 KANDAHAR - Governors from some of Afghanistan’s southern and central provinces – Kandahar, Zabul, Helmand, Uruzgan and Dai Kondi – met yesterday to discuss common challenges faced

  8. Hundreds of women gather for peace conference in eastern Afghanistan

    21 August 2017 ASADABAD - In a regional conference on women’s participation in peace and sustainable development, women’s rights activists, government officials and United Nations representative

  9. Civil society in northeast in dialogue with local authorities on upcoming elections

    4 January 2018 KUNDUZ  - Representatives of civil society networks from northeastern Afghanistan met in Fayzabad to initiate a dialogue with local authorities on upcoming elections and to discuss

  10. Fighting corruption takes community cooperation, panellists stress in UN-backed televised debates

    11 April 2017 KABUL - To eliminate corruption from Afghanistan, every individual in every community across the country must play an active role, said panellists in televised UN-backed debates he
