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  1. The Handling of Complaints of Gender-Based Violence against Women and Girls by Afghanistan’s de facto Authorities

    14 December 2023 KABUL   – New UNAMA report ‘ The Handling of Complaints of Gender-Based Violence against ...

  2. RADIO: Top UN humanitarian official assessing situation in Afghanistan on first visit

    10 May 2012 KABUL - Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs, Valerie Amos, is calling on donor states to continue supporting the people of Afghanistan affected by the conflict and nat

  3. Afghan transition must be about more than security-UN envoy

    7 July 2011 The transition towards greater Afghan leadership and ownership is on track, the top United Nations envoy to the country reported today, while adding that the process must not just be about security

  4. Press conference with SRSG Kai Eide and Dr Sima Samar Chairperson

    9 August 2009 KABUL - Transcript of today's press conference with Dr Sima Samar, Chairperson Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission (AIHRC) and Kai Eide, Special Representative of the U

  5. Women’s inclusion the focus of events across Afghanistan

    31 March 2021 KABUL  – Calls for the increased protection of women’s rights, access to education and women’s inclusion in peace talks dominated discussions in

  6. Children must be protected from all conflict-related grave violations

    8 November 2018 SAR-E-PUL – Children should be protected from all grave violations resulting from conflict including abuse and being recruited as soldiers, said participants at UN-backed events in

  7. Kunduz youth call for more jobs, training at UN-supported conference

    18 August 2011 KUNDUZ - Around 300 young Afghans gathered in Kunduz on Sunday to discuss youth’s role in peace and development, urging officials to provide more prospects for jobs and greater acc

  8. Afghan girl’s struggle for education highlighted in UN-backed theatrical production

    27 November 2016... rather than get married, was at the centre of a series of UNAMA-backed theatre perfo ...

  9. Afghans remain hopeful in peace process despite the many challenges

    14 December 2020 MAIDAN WARDAK –  Panellists in a series of UN-backed radio programmes across Afghanistan’s central provinces remain hopeful, despite all the many challenges an

  10. Political cooperation essential for peace, say community leaders in Afghanistan’s north

    2 December 2017 SHEBERGHAN - It is imperative for Afghanistan’s political groups to find common ground and work together for Afghanistan’s future, said participants gathered at a UN-backed symposi
