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  1. Afghan civilians continue to be killed in record high numbers – UN report

    10 October 2018 KABUL - The figures released today by the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) show continuing high casualty rates being inflicted on the Afghan ...

  2. 2014 sees highest civilian casualty figures recorded

    19 December 2014 NEW YORK - The number of civilians killed and injured in Afghanistan this year is the highest ever recorded by the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan

  3. Afghan poppy crops at record high, second year running

    12 November 2014... KABUL -  Afghanistan registered record levels of opium poppy cultivation this year, with the illicit crop being ...

  4. Afghan casualty figures mask "horrendous" reality (English) UN Radio

    28 September 2015... explosive devices and other lethal weapons are behind the figures, which were compiled by the UNAMA, the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan. UNAMA head ...

  5. Government and religious figures should play greater role in ending violence against women

    12 December 2010 KHOST - Government officials in Khost urged ulemas in the province to explain and educate the public in women’s rights, through the teachings and principles of Islam.

  6. UN agency condemns attacks on Afghan female government officials and public figures

    17 September 2013 KABUL -  The head of the United Nations agency dedicated to gender equality and the empowerment of women has condemned the “intimidation and targeted killings” of Afghan women gover

  7. Election Day 2009: Key facts and figures on the polls

    19 August 2009 KABUL - The huge logistical operation for the elections has been massive from 36 million ballot papers to more than 3,000 donkeys.

  8. Afghanistan civilian casualty figures drop for the first time in 6 years

    19 February 2013 KABUL - Launch of Annual Report 2012: Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict.  

  9. Religious figures urge families to allow female members to cast votes

    6 March 2014 GHAZNI - Religious scholars in Ghazni province on Wednesday urged families not to bar female members from casting their votes in next month’s elections.

  10. New UNAMA radio show on air

    10 July 2009 10 July 2009 - The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan launches a new radio programme this Saturday. .  
