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  1. Statement by the President of the Security Council on Afghanistan

    14 September 2016 NEW YORK - At the 7771st meeting of the Security Council, held on 14 September 2016, in connection with the Council’s consideration of the item entitled “The situation in Afghanist

  2. UN condemns public lynching and burning of mentally ill woman

    20 March 2015 KABUL -   The United Nations condemns, in the strongest terms, the brutal killing and burning of a 27 year old mentally ill woman.

  3. UN top envoy for Afghanistan urges Afghans to take lead on poppy elimination

    25 March 2009 KABUL  - The Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Afghanistan, Kai Eide, has urged a gathering of Afghan cabinet ministers and governors to continue efforts aga

  4. Top UN envoy urges extra vigilance to ensure safe Afghan polls next month

    13 August 2010 12 August 2010 – With Afghanistan’s parliamentary elections just over a month away, the top United Nations envoy there warned today that secur

  5. Kandahar forum discusses importance of ensuring nobody is disenfranchised

    17 April 2018 KANDAHAR - Educating citizens about their voting rights, and removing barriers that disenfranchise women and rural communities will improve voter turnout in upcoming elections said participants of

  6. Press statement on Afghanistan by the members of the Security Council

    16 August 2021 NEW YORK - The members of the Security Council called for an immediate cessation of all hostilities and the establishment, through inclusive negotiations, o

  7. Role of Kunar media essential for democracy and development, say participants at UN-backed event

    21 April 2016 ASADABAD - The essential role of media in supporting democracy and development was discussed at a UN-backed event in Kunar, an eastern mountainous province facing numerous security

  8. Press conference with UNAMA Spokesperson, Aleem Siddique

    25 May 2009... of press conference by Aleem Siddique, Spokesperson, UNAMA Strategic Communication and Spokespersons Unit and Dr Nazifullah Salarzai, UNAMA Strategic Communicati ...

  9. UN-facilitated discussions on next Afghan elections conclude with active public participation

    23 December 2013 KABUL - A series of United Nations-facilitated public debates and discussions on the importance of the public’s participation in Afghanistan’s Presidential and Provincial Counci

  10. Joint UN press conference on the eve of International Literacy Day 2009

    7 September 2009 KABUL - Transcript of a joint press conference by the representatives of UNICEF, UNESCO and UN-Habitat on the eve of International Literacy Day.
