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  1. KANDAHAR: UNAMA trains local journalists on radio news reporting

    3 February 2013... radio journalists to improve their capacity in reporting, UNAMA successfully held three-day training in the southern Kandahar Pr ...

  2. UN agencies rushing relief to victims hit by natural disasters

    1 May 2009 30 April 2009 - United Nations agencies and their partners are assisting the Government of Afghanistan in responding to flash floods, landslides and earthquakes which have struck various parts of t

  3. UNAMA Statement - Taluqan city: Protect civilians and exercise restraint

    19 May 2011... – The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) is deeply concerned about recent events in Taluqan city, Takhar province that resulted in deaths and ...

  4. Afghanistan: Senior UN rights official urges more action to end attacks on civilians

    11 May 2018 NEW YORK/GENEVA/KABUL   - UN

  5. Reverse negative trends this year or they will become irreversible – Kai Eide

    4 March 2010 KABUL - The outgoing top United Nations envoy for Afghanistan today stressed the need to reverse the negative trends in the country within the year or they will inevitably become “

  6. UN Secretary-General's message to the Council of Foreign Ministers of the OIC

    29 June 2011 KABUL - I am pleased to greet the Foreign Ministers of the Organization of the Islamic Conference. I thank the government of Kazakhstan for hosting this event.

  7. UNAMA’s new office compound in Bamyan inaugurated

    30 January 2013... office compound of the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) in the country's Central Highlands province o ...

  8. KUNDUZ: UNAMA trains young journalists on radio news production, presentation

    20 November 2012 KUNDUZ  - UNAMA trained eight young journalists in Afghanistan’s northeastern region of ...

  9. UNAMA condemns the killing of Professor Rabbani

    20 September 2011... - The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) is shocked and saddened by the death of Professor Burhanuddin Rabbani, ...

  10. UNAMA condemns the killing of Professor Rabbani

    21 September 2011... - The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) is shocked and saddened by the death of Professor Burhanuddin Rabbani, ...
