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  1. Press conference with UNAMA Press Officer, Nazifullah Salarzai

    25 January 2010... conference in Kabul by Nazifullah Salarzai, Press Officer, UNAMA Strategic Communication and Spokespersons Unit. ...

  2. UNAMA's weekly press conference

    25 January 2010... conference in Kabul by Nazifullah Salarzai, Press Officer, UNAMA Strategic Communication and Spokespersons Unit. ...

  3. Press conference with UNAMA Spokesperson, Aleem Siddique

    20 July 2009... of press conference by Aleem Siddique, Spokesperson, UNAMA Strategic Communication and Spokespersons Unit and Dr Nilab Mobarez, UNAMA Strategic Communication and ...

  4. Greater political will needed to fight corruption in Afghanistan, senior UN officials urge

    11 December 2011... - The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) today called on Afghan leaders to make greater use of the legal system ...

  5. UNAMA welcomes donors’ financial assistance for 2014 elections

    8 September 2013... -  The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) welcomes the recent financial pledges by international donors which will cover the required ...

  6. Children among the largest casualties of Afghan conflict say Herat religious scholars

    10 January 2019 HERAT - Child casualties from Afghanistan’s conflict are running at alarming rates, say ...

  7. Protection of civilians is the responsibility of all parties to the conflict

    8 February 2018 JALALABAD - Civilians must be protected from attacks and the impact of conflict by warring parties stressed participants at a UN-backed television roundtable in the eastern provinc

  8. On Nelson Mandela Day, UN officials hail example of “a giant of our times”

    18 July 2013 KABUL -  As the world marks Nelson Mandela International Day today in recognition of

  9. Press conference with SRSG Kai Eide and Sima Samar

    3 May 2009 KABUL - Transcript of press conference by Dr Sima Samar, Head of Afghanistan's Independent Human Rights Commission and Kai Eide Special Representative of the Secretary-General for

  10. Kandahar youth have key role to play in country’s future, say radio panellists

    22 May 2018 KANDAHAR - The active participation of young Afghans in democratic processes is essential for creating a more stable, inclusive and peaceful country, said panellists during a UN-ba
