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  1. Social cohesion essential for peace and security, say Ghor community leaders

    25 August 2019 LAL WA SARJANGAL  - Government officials, religious scholars and civil society activists gathered at a UN-backed symposium in eastern Ghor to strategize on ways to foster social coh

  2. UNAMA's review of the week - photos and stories

    17 December 2009

  3. UNAMA's review of the week - photos and stories

    4 February 2010 4 February 2010 - Download UNAMA's review of the week in stories and photos. ...

  4. UNAMA's review of the week - photos and stories

    11 February 2010 11 February 2010 - Download UNAMA's review of the week in stories and photos. ...

  5. UNAMA's review of the week - photos and stories

    18 February 2010 18 February 2010 - Download UNAMA's review of the week in stories and photos. ...

  6. UNAMA's review of the week - photos and stories

    4 March 2010 4 March 2010 - Download UNAMA's review of the week in stories and photos. ...

  7. UNAMA's review of the week - photos and stories

    15 April 2010 15 April 2010 - Download UNAMA's review of the week in stories and photos. ...

  8. UNAMA's review of the week - photos and stories

    22 April 2010 22 April 2010 - Download UNAMA's review of the week in stories and photos. ...

  9. UNAMA's review of the week - photos and stories

    29 April 2010 29 April 2010 - Download UNAMA's review of the week in stories and photos. ...

  10. UNAMA's review of the week - photos and stories

    6 May 2010 6 May 2010 - Download UNAMA's review of the week in stories and photos. ...
