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  1. Bamyan: The land with a rich cultural heritage

    15 March 2010 BAMYAN - Afghanistan’s central province of Bamyan possess some of the world’s most renowned archaeological sites from the fifth century, which are most often referred to in seminal

  2. UN officials tread the ‘Silk Road’ to Afghan development

    2 August 2010 1 August 2010 - A week of concerts with Ustad Safdar Tawakuli and other Hazara singers, buzkashi horse matches, theatre performances by youth groups and sales of homespun carpets and honey jars, wr

  3. Freeing communities from the threat of landmines

    17 April 2012 Mine risk education programmes help to educate Afghans, especially children and women, about the threats of mines and unexploded ordinance

  4. 2020 Afghanistan Conference and the path to peace, prosperity and self-reliance

    15 September 2020 KABUL - The 2020 Afghanistan Conference scheduled for 23-24 November 2020 in Geneva is a milest

  5. Thousands celebrate Nowruz in Mazar-i-Sharif

    22 March 2010 22 March 2010 - From various parts of the country, including the remotest of locations, they came in thousands.  

  6. Media stakeout following SRSG Tadamichi Yamamoto's briefing to the Security Council

    19 December 2016 NEW YORK - Media stakeout following the  UN Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Afghanistan, Tadamichi Yamamoto's briefing to the Security Council.

  7. Kabul's kids vote for a new president

    18 August 2009 18 August 2009 - The candidate, clad in a simple salwar kameez, her head mostly hidden under a scarf, except for a tousle of thick black hair that deliberately manages to escape cover, enters a roo

  8. Kabul's kids vote for a new president

    18 August 2009 18 August 2009 - The candidate, clad in a simple salwar kameez, her head mostly hidden under a scarf, except for a tousle of thick black hair that deliberately manages to escape cover, enters a roo

  9. SRSG Lyons at the World Press Freedom Day 2021 ceremony

    5 May 2021 SRSG Lyons at the World Press Freedom Day 2021 ceremony 3 May 2021 - KABUL- The following is a transcript of the closing remarks of the Secretary-General's Special Representative for Afghanistan, Deborah Lyon...

  10. Former mujahideen trade in weapons for bees!

    14 February 2010 QARABAGH - Barely an hour away from the bustle of Kabul and the miasma of Afghan politics, change is taking place, albeit slowly, in Qarabagh, the second largest district of Kabul
