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  1. Maidan Wardak women gather to plan increased participation in public life

    12 April 2016 MAIDAN SHAHR - An open forum, in which women expressed their views on women’s participation on peace, security and political initiatives before an audience of local authorities and

  2. Media Commission gears up for run-off election

    27 October 2009 27 October 2009 - With a second election just around the corner, the Media Commission is back in business.  

  3. Afghanistan enters new phase to ease climate change

    9 February 2011 KABUL - The Government of Afghanistan today took a step towards mitigating climate change by starting work on its first ever country report documenting emissions and removals of gr

  4. Briefing by Special Representative Deborah Lyons to the Security Council

    9 September 2021 Briefing to the United Nations Security Council by the Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Afgh

  5. Elections hotline ringing non-stop

    9 June 2009 KABUL - The number of people calling Afghanistan’s election hotline is growing everyday, with about 25,000 Afghans ringing the free number each week. ...

  6. Newspapers call for peaceful campaign period

    21 June 2009 KABUL - As the campaign period for the 20 August elections kicked off last week, Kabul-based newspapers called on candidates to ensure a peaceful campaign period by unveiling their

  7. WHO identifies 23 polio cases since January 2009

    19 October 2009 KABUL - The World Health Organization has identified a total of 23 cases of polio so far this year throughout Afghanistan with one new polio case detected this week by a WHO-suppor

  8. Elections hotline ringing non-stop

    21 June 2009 KABUL - The number of people calling Afghanistan’s election hotline is growing everyday, with about 25,000 Afghans ringing the free number each week. ...

  9. Floods and earthquakes destroy thousands of homes across Afghanistan

    27 April 2009... many Afghans have suffered heavily from floods caused by the recent heavy ...

  10. Elections hotline ringing non-stop

    9 June 2009 9 June 2009 - The number of people calling Afghanistan’s election hotline is growing everyday, with about 25,000 Afghans ringing the free number each week.   ...
