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  1. The Secretary-General's message on World AIDS Day

    11 December 2011 KABUL - Heading into the fourth decade of AIDS, we are finally in a position to end the epidemic.

  2. Statement attributable to the Spokesperson for the Secretary-General

    26 January 2011 NEW YORK - The Secretary-General welcomes the inauguration earlier today of the Wolesi Jirga, the Lower House of the Afghan Parliament, presided over by President Hamid Karzai.

  3. UN concern around level of violence in election campaign period

    2 October 2018... KABUL - The UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) expresses its concern around the level of violence early in the campaigning ...

  4. Top UN envoy voices concern about reported Afghan civilian casualties

    6 May 2009... Nations official in Afghanistan today expressed his serious concern about reports of civilian casualties and fighting that took place in the country’s western ...

  5. Mounting concern about reports of human rights abuses in communities most affected by military offensive

    14 July 2021... Nations in Afghanistan is increasingly concerned with the number of reported serious human rights abuses and violations alleged in ...

  6. UNAMA welcomes inauguration of National Assembly on 26 January 2011

    25 January 2011... The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) welcomes the understanding reached in the recent exchanges between the Office of the President of Afghanistan and the ...

  7. UNAMA welcomes inauguration of National Assembly on 26 January 2011

    25 January 2011... - The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) welcomes the understanding reached in the recent exchanges between the Office of the President of Afghanistan a ...

  8. Afghanistan: top UN envoy voices concern over mounting civilian toll

    31 December 2009 KABUL - As the United Nations investigates a joint raid by Afghan and international forces in which 10 people – mostly students – were killed, the world body’s top envoy to Afghani

  9. World Press Freedom Day marked in Kabul, tinged with grief for lost colleagues and concern for media sector’s future

    3 May 2021 KABUL - World Press Freedom Day was marked in Kabul today with UN envoy Deborah Lyons joining Afghan reporters, media safety committees and senior government officials in calling f

  10. UNICEF voices concern ahead of trial of last child soldier in Guantánamo Bay

    29 May 2010
