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  1. Citizens have the right to cast their vote in safety and to expect credible elections

    25 September 2019 K ABUL - In the run-up to voting on 28 September in presidential elections, the United Nations in Afghanistan urges all stakeholders to play their part in creating

  2. Women’s rights tackled in Zabul

    9 October 2010... 9 October 2010 - Women’s rights was the focus of a recent event in Qalat, capital of Zabul province, where speakers talked about ...

  3. We never lose hope: Kabul's youth speak out before Election Day

    22 July 2009 22 July 2009 - It's examination season at Kabul's oldest and most venerable public university.  

  4. Women’s rights crucial to countering extremism, say participants at UN event

    23 September 2016 HERAT - Achieving gender parity, especially in education, is one of the most crucial tools in the fight against radicalization and extremism, said participants at a UN-backed ‘Glob

  5. De Mistura arrives in Afghanistan to take up post as UN envoy

    5 September 2011 KABUL - The recently-appointed Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Afghanistan, Staffan de Mistura, arrived in Kabul today to take up his post as top

  6. Afghanistan celebrates International Women’s Day

    8 March 2016 KABUL - Afghans came together, nationwide, to celebrate women’s contributions and to call for the continued advancement of women in Afghanistan society.

  7. Badghis province moves on water, electricity and roads

    28 October 2010 28 October 2010 - Donors and government representatives met in Qal E Naw city on 17 October to mobilize resources and coordinate development in Badghis province, western Afghanistan.  

  8. Local government and community cooperation vital to good governance, agree Kapisa debate participants

    11 December 2016... is vital to good governance agreed participants at a UNAMA-backed public debate in central ...

  9. Statement by UN Special Representative Tadamichi Yamamoto on need for peace in Afghanistan

    26 December 2019 KABUL - Peace is crucial for the future of Afghanistan.

  10. Access to Information promoted in northern Afghanistan

    7 June 2021 MAZAR-E-SHARIF/KUNDUZ – As part of the UN’s longstanding work to support media freedom and open society, a series of
