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  1. UN Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Afghanistan meets with religious leaders

    13 April 2011 KABUL - Today the United Nations Special Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG) Staffan de Mistura at his request, met separately with the Chairman of the Ulema Council of

  2. UN Special Representative Kubiš’ briefing to NATO Defence Ministers meeting

    4 June 2014 BRUSSELS - Secretary-General, Excellencies, I welcome the opportunity to address you today amidst this critical electoral period.

  3. PHOTO STORY: A day in the life of UNAMA's human rights chief, Georgette Gagnon

    15 December 2013... of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) also cover ...

  4. UN Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Afghanistan meets with religious leaders

    12 April 2011 12 April 2011 - Today the United Nations Special Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG) Staffan de Mistura at his request, met separately with the Chairman of the Ulema Council of Afghanist

  5. United Nations concerned over Taliban threat to civilians in election process

    7 August 2019... KABUL - The United Nations expresses deep concern at the Taliban’s stated threat to target civilians participating in ...

  6. UN Secretary-General condemns attack on Kabul hospital

    12 May 2020 NEW YORK -  The Secretary-General strongly condemns the horrific attack today on a hospital in Kabul, which killed and wounded dozens of people, including women and children.

  7. Secretary-General on violent incidents in Afghanistan

    27 October 2020... NEW YORK - The Secretary-General is following with great concern the violent incidents which have occurred in Afghanistan over the past ...

  8. UN in Afghanistan calls for end to harassment of its Afghan female workforce

    12 September 2022... KABUL - The UN in Afghanistan expresses its mounting concern about ...

  9. Security Council press statement on the Geneva Conference on Afghanistan

    11 December 2018 NEW YORK - The Members of the Security Council welcomed the outcome of the Geneva Conference on Afghanistan on 27-28 November, co-hosted by the government of Afghanistan and the Un

  10. UN calls for full and speedy implementation of the Law on Elimination of Violence Against Women

    22 March 2012... Day, the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) and UN Women urged the Government of Afghanistan to fully and promptly ...
