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  1. Umbrella civil society body launched in eastern Afghanistan

    4 February 2010 4 February 2010 - Over 100 civil society organizations in the east of Afghanistan have joined hands to launch an umbrella body to advance peace, human rights, capacity-building and reconstruction e

  2. UN welcomes Afghan government’s efforts to end recruitment and use of children in security forces

    1 August 2014 KABUL / NEW YORK -  The United Nations today welcomed the Government of Afghanistan’s commitment to end and prevent the recruitment of children in the Afghan national security force

  3. Mediation and community service part of legal research project in the northeast

    18 August 2011 KUNDUZ - An Australian research team launched in Badakhshan a five-year international research project comparing different means of solving problems rooted in legal doctrine.

  4. NANGARHAR: Journalists concerned over safety during transformation decade

    19 May 2013 NANGARHAR - Journalists in Afghanistan's eastern provinces have expressed concerns over their safety and financial sustainability during the so-called transformation decade startin

  5. Following audit announcement, Kubiš congratulates Afghan Presidential candidates on statesmanship

    12 July 2014 KABUL - The top United Nations official in Afghanistan congratulated late Saturday night the two candidates in the country’s Presidential elections for their commitment to their co

  6. Human rights activists call for end to violence against women in Afghanistan

    24 December 2019... Days event on 22 October 2019 in Kabul, Afghanistan. Photo: UNAMA / Fardin Waezi GHAZNI - In a UN-backed radio ...

  7. EVAW campaign starts in Laghman province:

    30 November 2010

  8. Access to legal services in Balkh improving with UN backing

    7 December 2015 MAZAR-E-SHARIF - Recent initiatives, supported by the United Nations in the northern Balkh ...

  9. At televised UN event, Baghlan leaders sign memorandum to empower Afghan women

    3 January 2017 PUL-E KHUMRI - Participants at a UN-backed event in the northern province of Baghlan universally affirmed their commitment to empowering Afghan women and signed a memorandum to wor

  10. UNHCR to fund livelihood training for Women Shura members in Dai Kundi

    16 July 2012 BAMYAN - Members of the Women Shura in the capital Nili city of Dai Kundi province will have funding support from the United Nations when they embark on their livelihood project so
