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  1. Surobi Elders’ Shura pledge to work for peace and development in the district

    2 September 2018 SUROBI - Members of the Elders’ Shura in the Surobi district of Kabul have reiterated their commitment to working for local peace and in support of economic development.

  2. Movie Captures Transformed City

    8 May 2012 KABUL - A young couple from different backgrounds question the marriages their parents have arranged.

  3. Statement by Kai Eide, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Afghanistan

    20 February 2010 ISTANBUL - We had a successful London Conference last week – more so than was expected in light of the very limited time for preparations.

  4. Women’s rights need greater support

    22 November 2012 KABUL - Fatima was 14 when she was married to a man who had already divorced twice.

  5. Orientation on National Priority Programme held in Mazar-e-Sharif

    1 November 2012... Mazar - Supported by the German aid agency (GIZ) and UNAMA in the northern region of Afghanistan, an orientation on the national ...

  6. UN Special Representative Deborah Lyons’ farewell statement to the people of Afghanistan

    16 June 2022 The world was a very different place when I took on this job, experiencing a once-in-a-century pandemic that altered our ways of working and shifted global p

  7. Media’s role in protecting human rights spotlighted in UN-backed radio series

    10 October 2017 KANDAHAR - An ongoing UN-backed radio series in southern Afghanistan is underscoring the importance of media freedom and access to information as essential tools that can help fost

  8. Community efforts to eliminate corruption the focus of UN-backed radio series

    6 July 2017 KANDAHAR - To eliminate corruption from Afghanistan, every individual must play an active role, said community leaders featured in a UN-backed radio series that aired in the southe

  9. Protecting children’s rights in Afghanistan spotlighted at Kunduz University symposium

    31 October 2019 A UN-backed seminar at Kunduz University drew more than 100 students and professors to discuss measures to protect children in armed conflict. Photo: Hamedulla Sahell KUNDUZ - Participants at a UN-backed ...

  10. Bamyan leaders strategize on women’s economic and political empowerment

    27 December 2017 BAMYAN - The empowerment of Afghan women and their increased participation in the country’s economic and political development was at the centre of a UN-backed event in the central
