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  1. UNAMA concerned about delay of Wolesi Jirga inauguration

    21 January 2011... - The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) expresses its deep concern and surprise at the recent call to delay the ...

  2. Theatre helps children learn about their rights and the dangers of recruitment

    31 March 2016 KANDAHAR - An open-air theatre performance tackling the serious issue of children recruitment took place in Kandahar this week to help inform children of their rights.

  3. UNAMA statement on Taliban threats to the media

    25 October 2015... -  The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) expresses its serious concern at recent statements from the Taliban that ...

  4. Press conference with Special Representative of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General, Kai Eide

    19 August 2008 KABUL - Transcript of press conference by Kai Eide, Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Afghanistan and Susana Rico, Country

  5. Top officials roundly condemn attack that killed at least five UN staff in Kabul

    28 October 2009 KABUL - At least five United Nations staff members were killed today in an attack on a guest house in Kabul that has drawn widespread condemnation from top officials, as well as a

  6. Press conference with UNAMA and WFP

    14 April 2008

  7. UNAMA calls for safety first, as civilian casualties rise by 14% in 2009

    13 January 2010... - The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) today called on all sides of Afghanistan’s conflict to minimize the ...

  8. UNAMA Commends Work of Afghan Media on World Press Day

    3 May 2012... KABUL - On World Press Freedom Day UNAMA commends the work of Afghan media acknowledging the dedication and ...

  9. UN welcomes Afghan legislation criminalizing recruitment of children into security forces

    5 November 2014 KABUL - Senior United Nations officials in Afghanistan welcomed the passing of legislation earlier this week by the Afghan Lower House of Parliament to criminalize underage recruit

  10. UN human rights chief and top UN media expert urge better protection for journalists

    3 May 2009... 3 May 2009 - On World Press Freedom Day, the UN High Commissioner for Human Right, Navi Pillay, and the UN Special Rapporteur ...
