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  1. Civil society and media activists demand approval of draft Access to Information Law

    11 February 2013 KABUL  - Civil society and media watchdog organizations urged the Government of Afghanistan today to immediately send the draft Access to Information Law to the parliament for appro

  2. Food helping people through floods, work and school

    19 May 2009 KABUL - The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) has assisted more than one million six hundred thousand people across the country with nearly 19,000 tons of food in the month

  3. Armed groups give up their weapons

    1 July 2009 1 July 2009 - The beautiful district of Jabulsaraj, located at the foot of the Hindu Kush mountains was today announced as a peace district.  

  4. UN envoy to government: Use political will to fight corruption

    9 December 2009 KABUL - Corruption is very high on the United Nations’ agenda for Afghanistan, according to the Special ...

  5. Civil society reps meet to leverage UN Human Rights in activism work

    15 September 2016 MAZAR-E-SHARIF - To help activists leverage the UN Human Rights System, an international human rights booklet was officially launched in Dari and Pashto at a UN-backed event in Maz

  6. Baghlan workshop strengthens work of Afghan human rights advocates

    1 November 2016 PUL-E-KHUMRI - Assisting human rights advocates to carry out their work in accordance with the UN Human Rights System was the focus of a UN-backed workshop in Pul-e-Khumri the capi

  7. Kabul workshop strengthens work of Afghan human rights advocates

    27 September 2016 KABUL - Helping human rights advocates to carry out their work in accordance with the UN Human Rights System was the focus of a UN-backed workshop in the capital Kabul.

  8. New institute formed to strengthen Afghan civil society

    17 February 2015... of a national, independent organization designed to promote high standards among civil s ...

  9. Herat displays art works by 19th century European visitors to Afghanistan

    4 August 2010 4 August 2010 - Exhibited in the Chahar Suq Sistern, a site restored by the Aga Khan Trust for Culture (AKTC) in the heart of Heart’s old city, the works - prints, watercolours, lithographs - refle

  10. Ban lauds courage of Afghan people for taking part in parliamentary polls

    20 September 2010 18 September 2010 - Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon commended the courage and determination of the men and women of Afghanistan for voting in today's parliamentary elections.  
