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  1. UN Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed’s press conference upon her return from Afghanistan

    26 January 2023 NEW YORK  - The following is the as-delivered transcript of Secretary-General Amina Mohammed's press conference upon her return from Afghaniatan   

  2. Access to justice for Afghan women victims of violence ‘severely inadequate’ – UN envoy

    29 May 2018 KABUL - A law on the elimination of violence against women has been in place in Afghanistan since 2009, but Afghan women’s access to justice remains severely inadequate, finds a ne

  3. Arts festival in Kabul: A platform for young Afghan talents to exchange artistic and musical ideas

    5 May 2013 KABUL - Qais Shaqasi fell in love at a family wedding some five years ago.

  4. Surobi leaders strategize on building social cohesion, foundations for peace

    17 June 2019 SUROBI - Community leaders in Kabul’s eastern Surobi district gathered at a UN-backed symposium to strategize on ways to promote social cohesion, both locally and nationally, in th

  5. Protection of children and access to education in spotlight on International Children’s Day

    1 June 2011 1 June 2011 – Hundreds of children today celebrated International Children’s Day in Jalalabad, eastern Afghanistan, as the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and its partners called on all parties to the

  6. UN official calls for transition strategy, not exit strategy

    1 December 2009 1 December 2009 - The most senior United Nations official in Afghanistan today called for a “transition strategy” rather than an “exit strategy” in the country.

  7. Security Council condemns ‘heinous’ attacks on Afghan civilians

    7 December 2011 NEW YORK - The Security Council has strongly condemned yesterday’s terrorist attacks in Kabul and Mazar-i-Sharif that led to numerous deaths and injuries among Afghan civilians on

  8. Kabul International Film Festival returns to Afghanistan

    14 July 2009 KABUL - It might not quite be in the league of Cannes or even Sundance, but Kabul's International Documentary and Short Film Festival is set to create a flutter among the city's ci

  9. Eliminating violence against women the focus of UNAMA-backed event

    3 December 2015... 200 university students and community leaders gathered at a UNAMA-backed ...

  10. Afghanistan registers ‘significant progress’ in global press freedom ranking

    7 February 2013 KABUL - Afghanistan registered significant progress in defending rights of journalists and promoting freedom of the press in 2012, an achievement hailed by both journalists and the
