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  1. Statement by Kai Eide, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Afghanistan

    24 January 2010 KABUL - I respect the Independent Election Commission’s (IEC) decision to postpone Afghanistan’s Parliamentary elections until 18 September 2010.

  2. Security Council Resolution 2041 (2012)

    22 March 2012... Download 220312 S RES 2041 (UNAMA) - English_0.pdf (87.71 KB) ...

  3. UN Special Envoy Ján Kubiš reiterates commitment to Afghanistan on UN Day

    23 October 2012 KABUL  - On the occasion of United Nations Day and on behalf of the UN in Afghanistan, I would like to reiterate the commitment of the UN family to working together with the Afghan

  4. UN Special Envoy Ján Kubiš reiterates commitment to Afghanistan on UN Day

    24 October 2012 KABUL - On the occasion of United Nations Day and on behalf of the UN in Afghanistan, I would like to reiterate the commitment of the UN family to working together with the Afghan

  5. Geneva Conference on Afghanistan – Open proceedings with live webcast

    18 November 2018 KABUL - Media interested to follow the Geneva Conference on Afghanistan, 27-28 November 2018, will be able to view all proceedings through a live webcast at

  6. Media

    2 December 2020 End of Conference Press Release

  7. Staffan de Mistura, Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Afghanistan

    23 March 2010 KABUL - Transcript of press conference in Kabul by Staffan de Mistura, Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Afghanistan.

  8. Leaders in Afghanistan’s south call for action following nationwide dialogue on peace

    14 August 2018... country, all documented in a new book, community leaders in Helmand and Nimroz gathered a ...

  9. Amid challenges, UN supports Afghan efforts to improve corrections facilities

    8 July 2013 KABUL - Extreme overcrowding, a lack of medical care and poor sanitation.

  10. Media stakeout following SRSG Deborah Lyons briefing to the Security Council

    18 November 2021 NEW YORK - Media stakeout following the briefing to the Security Council by the UN Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Afghanistan, Deborah Lyons.
