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  1. UNAMA welcomes return of Reform and Partnership team to electoral process

    13 July 2014... -  The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) welcomes the agreement reached by the two Presidential candidates, Dr. ...

  2. UNAMA supports civil society call for ceasefire during Ramadan

    16 July 2014... -  The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) supports the call today from the Federation of Afghanistan's Civil ...

  3. On eve of Eid-ul-Fitr, UNAMA wishes “Eid Mubarak” to all Afghans

    27 July 2014... the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) extends its greetin ...

  4. UNAMA welcomes IEC’s adoption of criteria for invalidation and recount of ballots

    30 July 2014... - The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) welcomes the Independent Election Commission’s (IEC) decision to adopt ...

  5. UNAMA launches report on land rights in Afghanistan

    31 August 2014 KABUL  - UNAMA released a report today entitled “ The Stolen Lands of Afghanistan and ...

  6. Afghan audiences from across the country debate the UN’s role in country with UNAMA head

    15 December 2014 KABUL-  The top United Nations official in Kabul, Nicholas Haysom, stressed the world body’s commitment to support Afghanistan and to back the nascent Government of National Uni...

  7. UNAMA welcomes nomination of Ministers and senior officials

    12 January 2015... - The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) welcomes today’s  nomination of  Ministers and senior officials as ...

  8. UNAMA releases report on Afghan land distribution

    19 March 2015 KABUL -  UNAMA released a report today titled “The Stolen Lands of Afghanistan and its ...

  9. UNAMA Extends Warm Regards to Afghans on Nowruz

    20 March 2015 KABUL -   Nowruz is a special occasion for Afghans.

  10. UNAMA welcomes lawmakers approval of ministers to Afghan cabinet

    18 April 2015... -  The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) welcomes today’s approval of 16 ministers to the country’s national ...
