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  1. International Women's Day: Message of UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay

    8 March 2011 NEW YORK - On this day, I salute the women of the Middle East and North Africa, along with women all over the world who are taking great risks to stand up and fight for dignity, ju

  2. UN urges parties to take action as child deaths from conflict hit new high

    15 May 2017... - The UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) is deeply concerned by the c ...

  3. Doves fly high for peace into Afghanistan’s clear blue sky

    16 September 2009... of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) today in celebration of Peace Day on 21 Sep ...

  4. Future of AIDS response focus of UN General Assembly High Level Meeting

    8 June 2011

  5. Afghan poppy crops at record high, second year running

    12 November 2014 KABUL -  Afghanistan registered record levels of opium poppy cultivation this year, with the illicit crop being cultivated in an estimated 224,000 hectares of land, according to a U

  6. Statement on Afghanistan executions by the spokesperson for the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights

    10 May 2016 GENEVA - We regret the execution on Sunday, 8 May, of six people in Afghanistan, amid persisting serious concerns about compliance with fair trial standards, and reports about the

  7. High Level Events

    2 December 2020 Regional Cooperation on Afghanistan Concept note

  8. Samangan community leaders gather to discuss the rights of children

    13 August 2019 AYBAK - Participants at a UN-backed event in Afghanistan’s north committed to advocate for the rights of children and to raise awareness to protect them against abuse during the ar

  9. UNAMA special report on increasing harm to civilians from IEDs

    7 October 2018 KABUL - Anti-government elements must immediately end the indiscriminate and disproportionate use of all improvised explosive devices (IEDs) in areas frequented by civilians, said

  10. UNAMA welcomes prospect of electoral reform in Afghanistan

    25 June 2015... for new parliamentary elections, has been welcomed by a high-level UN official speaking at the NATO De ...
