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  1. LAGHMAN: Construction of WFP-supported construction walls completed

    29 January 2013 LAGHMAN -  Construction of two protection walls on Alishang river in Miakhan Kas and Diziarat areas of Laghman Province has been completed at a total cost of US$ 240,000 provided by

  2. KANDAHAR: US$ 4.5 million to be spent for urban development

    19 March 2013... KANDAHAR - The United Nations Human Settlement Programme (UN-HABITAT) will soon have a mega project for urban development in ...

  3. UNAMA Year in Review December: Agencies deliver aid to to vulnerable Afghans

    4 January 2010 KABUL - The UN envoy to Afghanistan Kai Eide called for a “transition strategy” in Afghanistan, ahead of a new US plan for the country announced by President Barack Obama at the be

  4. UN-supported hospital gives hope to Afghan women

    15 April 2009 15 April 2009 - Sabza Bibi, 24, mother of two children is admitted to the Malalai hospital in Kabul due to an obstetric fistula.

  5. Religious leaders efforts to foster peace reinforced

    15 January 2020... –  Efforts by religious and community leaders to foster peace and reconciliation in the country’s south and nationwide were ...

  6. How communities in Kandahar are resolving violent conflicts and building peace

    21 September 2017... region of Afghanistan, communities are rallying around peace through dialogue and consensus building on how best to resolve violent conflicts. ...

  7. Disaster management meeting takes place in Kandahar

    7 January 2013 KANDAHAR - Heads of sectoral groups, UN agencies and other officials met on Sunday to discuss natural disaster preparedness in Kandahar.

  8. The future we want is peace, equality and opportunities for all

    21 September 2020... person can meet their full potential is a vision shared by Afghans across the country, a ...

  9. Peace efforts will not derail women’s gains, Karzai and UN officials stress on Women’s Day

    8 March 2011... Women’s achievements will not be sidelined during ongoing peace efforts, President Hamid Karzai today said as United Nations senior ...

  10. Takhar leaders renew calls for stronger measures to protect civilians

    20 March 2018... parties to the conflict, stressed panelists in a UN-backed radio programme in Taloqan, the capital of the north-eastern ...
