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  1. Laghman youth compete in football, volleyball ahead of Peace Day

    15 September 2011... LAGHMAN - To mark the upcoming International Peace Day, young women and men from eastern Laghman province today kicked goals and spiked ...

  2. Afghanistan’s youth orchestra strikes positive notes

    31 January 2013... applauses and the audience gave a standing ovation to the young symphonic orchestra of the Afghanistan National Institute of Music (A ...

  3. With UN backing, Afghan students prep to compete in global law challenge

    28 February 2017... MAZAR-E SHARIF - A team of bright young law students from Balkh, fresh from winning Afghanistan’s national law ...

  4. UNAMA's weekly press conference

    12 May 2009 KABUL - Transcript of press conference by Dr. Nilab Mobarez, UNAMA Spokeperson's Office.

  5. Afghan youth’s role in development spotlighted in UN-backed TV debate

    23 February 2017 KANDAHAR - Panel members at a lively television debate sponsored by the UN and Hewad TV spoke this week about the value of open dialogue to work out differences and deal with ongoi

  6. Street theatre highlights protection of children in armed conflict issues

    13 December 2016 BAMYAN – Raising awareness about the dangers to children in armed conflict, including from underage recruitment and mines, was the focus of a series of UN-backed theatre performanc

  7. Alpine trek fitting climax to Peace Day campaign in Afghanistan

    24 September 2010 24 September 2010 - School children and local community leaders were among the participants in a day-long walk in Afghanistan’s Central Highlands held today by the United Nations Environment Progra

  8. Audio from the day

    20 August 2009... 20 August 2009 - 4:22 pm: Jamil Danish from UNAMA Radio has been on the streets of Kabul today. Listen to his interviews here. ...

  9. UNODC chief visits northern Afghan province of Badakhshan

    31 May 2012 KABUL - UNODC Executive Director Yury Fedotov visited a poppy field in Badakhshan province, north-eastern Afghanistan and saw firsthand, the eradication by the Counter Narcotics Po

  10. Peace Day celebrated in events across Afghanistan

    22 September 2014... KABUL -  In United Nations-backed radio and television broadcasts and community events to mark this year’s International Day of Peace, Afghan women, men and children came together i ...
