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  1. UN drafts plan to improve maternal and child health through better nutrition

    25 May 2011 23 May 2011 - The United Nations World Health Organization (WHO) has drafted a plan committing Member States and development partners to implement priority nutrition interventions and policies on h

  2. 10,000 pink balloons given away to Kabul citizens

    25 May 2013 KABUL - In the midst of ongoing violence, more than 100 Afghan artists and activists today gave away 10,000 pink balloons to residents of the country’s capi...

  3. UN envoy: 2009 elections – important achievement for Afghans

    20 August 2009... said that holding the elections was a big achievement for Afghans. ...

  4. Harnessing technology to promote Afghan development and governance goals

    27 May 2013... the World Bank, the Afghan Government today launched a new programme to develop a national culture of innovation in the area of ...

  5. International Day of the Girl Child: UN chief urges greater collaboration in investment on education

    11 October 2013 NEW YORK - On the occasion of the International Day of the Girl Child, the United Nations Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon, is calling for greater collaboration in efforts to inv...

  6. Importance of women’s leadership role in Afghan society emphasized by UN envoy

    21 February 2016 KABUL - The integral role of Afghan women in the country’s social, political and economic spheres ...

  7. UN Secretary-General's remarks at the Peace Bell Ceremony in New York

    17 September 2011... NEWYORK  - Excellencies, Distinguished Messengers of Peace and Goodwill Ambassadors and dear young students for holding the flags of the United Nations, Ladies and ...

  8. Displaced families from Marjah receive food assistance from UN

    21 February 2010 21 February 2010 - United Nations agencies are working with the local government of Helmand to provide emergency humanitarian assistance to internally displaced persons (IDPs) as the influx of peop

  9. Afghan women reporters, seizing on global trends, empower voices against abuse and violence

    25 November 2017 MAZAR-I-SHARIF - In a year when the # metoo hashtag has inspired women across the globe to tell their personal tales of harassment and unwanted sexual advances in the workp

  10. We never lose hope: Kabul's youth speak out before Election Day

    22 July 2009 KABUL - It's examination season at Kabul's oldest and most venerable public university.
