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  1. WFP to assist nine million Afghans in 2009

    13 April 2009... KABUL - Nearly nine million Afghans will benefit from United Nation’s World Food Programme (WFP) projects in 2009. ...

  2. Press conference with UNAMA and WFP

    14 April 2008

  3. Two new hospitals under construction in Paktya province

    23 June 2010 23 June 2010 - Two hospitals with a total bed capacity of 120 are being built in the eastern province of Paktya where health care is gaining ground.  

  4. On World Food Day, officials say food exports key to jobs and peace

    22 October 2009 KABUL - Ten innovative farmers from across the country were felicitated by the Ministry of Agriculture on the occasion of World Food Day in Afghanistan.

  5. KANDAHAR: Role of youth in political and socio-economic process highlighted at a UN-backed event

    19 August 2013 KANDAHAR - Speakers at a United Nations-backed event on Sunday in Afghanistan’s southern Kandahar province to mark International Youth Day (12 August) said the country’s youth shou

  6. UNEP in Afghanistan: Laying the foundations for sustainable development

    16 May 2009... is published, the work of the United Nations Environment Programme in Afghanistan is highlighted.   ...

  7. Press conference with UNAMA and UNICEF

    22 January 2008 KABUL - Transcript of press conference by Dan Toole, UNICEF Regional Director for South Asia, Catherine Mbengue, UNICEF Country Representative for Afghanis

  8. UNAMA trains police officers, prosecutors on human rights

    19 February 2010 19 February 2010 - As a part of strengthening Afghanistan’s state institutions, United Nations human rights officers have trained about 30 members of the Afghan National Police and prosecutors on h

  9. Two weeks until presidential run-off - IEC distributes polling kits

    24 October 2009 24 October 2009 - The Independent Election Commission (IEC) has begun flying out election kits to different provinces across Afghanistan in preparation for the 7 November presidential poll.

  10. 2.8 million children to be reached in Afghan polio immunization drive

    14 February 2010 KABUL - Some 2.8 million children under five years old in southern, south-eastern, western and eastern Afghanistan will be targeted by a new three-day polio eradication drive to be
