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  1. UN Special Representative Eide urges Afghans to challenge violence against women

    8 July 2009 KABUL - UN Special Representative Kai Eide warned on Wednesday that violence against women in Afghanistan was not being faced up to within the community and said this was holding A

  2. AIHRC-UNAMA release third elections report

    22 October 2009 22 October 2009 - The Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission (AIHRC) and the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) today issued their third joint-political rights monito

  3. United Nations Day 2009: US$ 4 billion development plan for Afghanistan to be launched

    24 October 2009 KABUL - UN representatives and Afghan officials will join hands at simultaneous events across Afghanistan today to celebrate United Nations Day 2009.

  4. UN Day 2009 marked in Afghanistan

    24 October 2009 KABUL - The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) joined hands today with Afghan ministers, governors and others to celebrate UN Day across the country.

  5. United Nations Development Assistance Framework

    26 March 2010... KABUL -  Based on the United Nations system’s unique role and breadth of expertise, the UN framework in support of the Afghanistan National Development Strategy focuses on three pr ...

  6. UNFPA and MoWA sign Annual Work Plan 2010 towards women empowerment

    11 April 2010 11 April 2010 - The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the Afghan Ministry of Women Affairs (MoWA) have signed the Annual Work Plan on Gender as they renewed their commitment to reduce gend

  7. Japan responds to urgent needs in Afghanistan

    28 February 2011 28 February 2011 - The Government of Japan provided UNOPS with USD 19 million to protect lives and livelihoods in Afghanistan this week.

  8. Mediation and community service part of legal research project in the northeast

    18 August 2011 KUNDUZ - An Australian research team launched in Badakhshan a five-year international research project comparing different means of solving problems rooted in legal doctrine.

  9. The humanitarian community launches its 2012 appeal for Afghanistan for US$437 million

    28 January 2012 KABUL - The Humanitarian Country Team (HCT) in Afghanistan has called for US$437 million for humanitarian preparedness and response in the country.

  10. Migiro calls for systematic strategies to empower women in rural areas

    29 February 2012 NEW YORK - Deputy Secretary-General Asha-Rose Migiro today called for systematic and comprehensive strategies to empower women in rural areas to maximize their potential to combat
