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  1. Kandahar theatre performances promote rights of children in armed conflict

    28 November 2017 KANDAHAR - The critical importance of protecting the rights and well-being of children in armed conflict was brought to life during two UN-backed theatre performances by the Kandah

  2. UN agency office in northern Afghanistan attacked by grenade

    9 June 2009 8 June 2009 - The office of the United Nations agriculture agency was attacked in northern Afghanistan over the weekend, with a rocket-propelled grenade having been fired at the compound.

  3. HERAT: Improved coordination and coherence in agro projects urged

    27 February 2013 HERAT - An agriculture development conference in Herat brought together representatives of the donor community, the Government, agriculture cooperatives and farmers to discuss the

  4. Mazar event celebrates Afghan professionals

    5 November 2015 MAZAR-E-SHARIF - The extraordinary work of a group of Afghan professionals, assisted by the United Nations, was marked at a photographic exhibition in Mazar-e-Sharif today.

  5. More solar panels to power UNAMA headquarters

    21 March 2023 UNAMA workers install new solar panels in the mission headquarters in Kabul. (UN Photo: Tilak Pokharel/UNAMA) UNAMA workers install new solar panels in the mission headquarters in Kabul. (UN Pho...

  6. UN SRSG lends support to Afghanistan’s dairy farmers

    26 March 2009 KABUL - UN Special Representative Kai Eide has urged more investment in Afghanistan’s agricultural industry and the buying of more Afghan products and services.

  7. UNAMA Year in Review November 2009: UN chief meets staff in Kabul and IEC declares Karzai as winner

    3 January 2010 KABUL - United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon met UN staff in Kabul at the beginning of November to express his sympathy and solidarity, following the deadly attack on a gue

  8. Cash Shipments to the UN in Afghanistan – Info Sheet

    9 January 2023 The United Nations transports cash into Afghanistan for use by UN agencies.

  9. Respect for law and human rights in mediation of civil cases at heart of discussion in Kunduz

    26 February 2019 KUNDUZ - Participants at an event in the north-eastern province of Kunduz, say skilful mediation promotes dialogue, brings disputing parties closer together and helps with peaceful

  10. New female wing in Gardez prison to help end discrimination issues

    7 October 2013 GARDEZ - The particular needs of female prisoners in the south-eastern Afghan city of Gardez are being better-addressed following the United Nations-facilitated completion of a new
