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  1. Record donation enables UN agency to provide food aid in 20 countries

    11 January 2011... KABUL - The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) today welcomed a donation of $196.6 million from Japan, the ...

  2. Afghanistan’s Parliament convenes

    26 January 2011 KABUL - Afghanistan’s Lower House of Parliament, the Wolesi Jirga, convened today as its 249 members were sworn in by President Hamid Karzai.

  3. Majority of Afghans positive about local police, survey shows

    3 February 2011... 3 February 2011 – Despite challenges, Afghans are increasingly confident about police in their area because of ...

  4. Afghanistan enters new phase to ease climate change

    9 February 2011 KABUL - The Government of Afghanistan today took a step towards mitigating climate change by starting work on its first ever country report documenting emissions and removals of gr

  5. Ghazni prepares for 2013 ‘Islamic cultural capital’

    22 February 2011 GHAZNI - The city of Ghazni in central Afghanistan is inching towards taking its 2013 title as the Asian capital of Islamic civilization by Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cult

  6. Investing in 'green economy' can boost growth, reduce poverty in Afghanistan – UN report

    23 February 2011 23 February 2011 - Investing around $1.3 trillion – or two per cent of global gross domestic product (GDP) – into ten key sectors can kick-start a transition towards a low-carbon, resource-efficien

  7. Despite progress, gap grows between Afghanistan and wealthier countries, UN panel reports

    30 March 2011 30 March 2011- The world’s poorest countries are making progress but the gap between them and their wealthier counterparts is getting larger, according to a

  8. Funding shortfall threatens food assistance to millions of poor Afghans

    15 April 2011... 15 April 2011 - The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) urgently requires US$257 million to continue providing food and assistance to the 7.3 million vulnerable and food insecure Afghans it a ...

  9. Afghanistan joins worldwide Billion Tree Campaign

    26 April 2011 KABUL - An ambitious effort to plant one million trees is underway in Afghanistan which for the first year is counting its trees as part of the United Nations Environmental Program

  10. Reintegration as part of a broader peace process

    10 May 2011... 10 May 2011 - As the Afghan Peace and Reintegration Programme (APRP) implementation conference opens today in Kabul the United ...
