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  1. Effective coordination essential for protecting women’s rights, say Balkh leaders

    3 July 2019 MAZAR-E-SHARIF - Strong synergy between government officials, civil society members, rights advocates and other community leaders is essential for protecting the human rights of wo

  2. Press conference with UNAMA and FAO

    4 May 2009 KABUL - Transcript of press conference by Tekeste G Tekie, FAO Representative for Afghanistan and Dr Nilab Mobarez, UNAMA Strategic Communication and Spokespersons Unit.

  3. Takhar leaders strategize on next steps following nationwide dialogue on peace

    26 July 2018... TALOQAN - After nation-wide consultations on peace among ordinary Afghans from across the country, all documented in a new book, community ...

  4. Newspapers call for peaceful campaign period

    21 June 2009 KABUL - As the campaign period for the 20 August elections kicked off last week, Kabul-based newspapers called on candidates to ensure a peaceful campaign period by unveiling their

  5. Kapisa leaders strategize on protecting children from the armed conflict

    9 August 2018 MAHMUD-E-RAQI - At a UN-backed symposium in the central province of Kapisa, government officials, rights activists and other community leaders discussed ways to improve the protect

  6. Strategies to advance women’s rights spotlighted at Panjshir symposium

    2 August 2018 BAZARAK - More effective coordination is needed to protect and advance women’s rights in Afghanistan, said government officials, rights activists and other community leaders gather

  7. Leaders in Afghanistan’s south call for action following nationwide dialogue on peace

    14 August 2018... KANDAHAR - After nation-wide consultations on peace among ordinary Afghans from across the country, all documented in a new book, community ...

  8. Women’s social and political empowerment the focus of Baghlan symposium

    27 August 2019 PUL-E-KHUMRI - Women’s participation in Afghanistan’s development planning and political processes is crucial for advancing the country toward stability and prosperity, said partic

  9. Social cohesion essential for peace and security, say Ghor community leaders

    25 August 2019 LAL WA SARJANGAL  - Government officials, religious scholars and civil society activists gathered at a UN-backed symposium in eastern Ghor to strategize on ways to foster social coh

  10. Briefing by Special Representative Deborah Lyons to the Security Council

    9 September 2021 Briefing to the United Nations Security Council by the Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Afgh
