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  1. Briefing by Special Representative Staffan de Mistura to the Security Council

    22 December 2010 Download Briefing de Mistura.22 December 2010_0.pdf (224.3 KB)

  2. Afghan media rights group reports sharp rise in violence against journalists

    5 May 2013 KABUL - Amid calls for more security for journalists, increased access to information and job security in Afghanistan, a leading Afghan media rights group today reported a sharp ri

  3. Activist rally others to protect the rights of women in the northeast

    13 January 2019 KUNDUZ - In an effort to promote the rights of women in the northeastern region, one woman is taking action and rallying others to create a more safer and violent free environment

  4. United Nations provides winter assistance for Afghanistan's most vulnerable

    5 January 2010 KABUL - As temperatures drop around the country, United Nations agencies, their partners, and the Afghan Government, are working together to provide relief supplies to help some 20

  5. New project to clear mines from Ghazni city begins

    26 August 2010 GHAZNI - This month a new project undertaken by OMAR, an Afghan humanitarian mine action non-governmental organization (NGO), will begin clearing minefields from the centre of Ghaz

  6. Media’s crucial role in promoting peace the focus of TV series in Afghanistan’s west

    22 October 2019... - A free and independent press is crucial for promoting peace and the respect for human rights, stressed participants in a UN-backed ...

  7. Afghanistan To Be Mine-Impact Free in 10 Years

    12 May 2012 KABUL - After decades of sustained clearance efforts, Afghanistan is within 10 years of becoming free from the impact of mines.

  8. Afghanistan’s first female district police chief paves way for women

    12 March 2014 KABUL - She was supposed to be an engineer.

  9. Poor harvest pushes millions more into food insecurity ahead of winter, predicts Afghan official

    18 October 2011 KABUL - With winter approaching, the top Afghan agricultural official said more than the usual 30 per cent of the population is expected to fall under the poverty line due to a poo

  10. Peacekeeping Justice Update: Enhancing coordination

    28 May 2011... called on UNAMA and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) to establish the Provincial Justice Coordination ...
