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  1. One month until the vote

    20 July 2009 KABUL - Afghanistan’s presidential and provincial council elections on 20 August are just one month away.

  2. One month until the vote

    20 July 2009 20 July 2009 - Afghanistan’s presidential and provincial council elections on 20 August are just one month away.  

  3. Women’s rights spotlighted at UN-backed events in Afghanistan’s northeast

    3 October 2018 KUNDUZ - Government officials, civil society members, teachers, activists and other community leaders from Afghanistan’s northeast gathered at UN-backed events in Kunduz and Takhar

  4. Protecting detainee rights the focus of UN-backed event in northeast Afghanistan

    2 October 2019 PUL-E-KHUMRI  - The rights of detainees must be protected, and their dignity upheld, said participants at a UN-backed symposium in the northeast city of Pul-e-Khumri, capital of Bag

  5. De Mistura arrives in Afghanistan to take up post as UN envoy

    5 September 2011 KABUL - The recently-appointed Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Afghanistan, Staffan de Mistura, arrived in Kabul today to take up his post as top

  6. Ending the conflict is the only sure way to prevent further harm to civilians, say TV panelists in Herat

    24 March 2019 HERAT -  Ending the conflict is the only sure way to protect civilians from harm said participants at UN-backed TV programmes in the western province of Herat.

  7. De Mistura arrives in Afghanistan to take up post as UN envoy

    13 March 2010 13 March 2010 - The recently-appointed Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Afghanistan, Staffan de Mistura, arrived in Kabul today to take up his post as top UN offic

  8. UN supports women’s economic empowerment initiative in Afghanistan’s west

    8 June 2017 HERAT - Promoting women’s access to government services and hiring more women into civil service positions were among the topics discussed in a UN-backed event set up to focus on e

  9. Returnees in Afghanistan’s Bamyan province benefit from UN refugee agency assistance

    23 June 2013 BAMYAN - Two villages with a large number of returnee families on the eastern fringes of Band-i-Amir Lake in central Afghanistan’s Bamyan province are benefitting from stepped-...

  10. Briefing by Special Representative Staffan de Mistura to the Security Council

    22 December 2010 Download Briefing de Mistura.22 December 2010_0.pdf (224.3 KB)
