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  1. Calling on Funding the Education

    25 April 2010 22 April 2010 - The importance of funding in Education is paramount to the attainment of the EFA goals in Afghanistan.

  2. Fifty thousand refugees return this year

    23 May 2010... UN Refugee Agency resumed its 2010 voluntary repatriation programme in Pakistan and five months since return started from Iran, 50,000 ...

  3. Fifty thousand refugees return this year

    23 May 2010... UN Refugee Agency resumed its 2010 voluntary repatriation programme in Pakistan and five months since return started from Iran, 50,000 ...

  4. UNAMA-backed female journalists group in Bamyan discusses progress and challenges

    6 March 2013 BAMYAN - Female journalists in the Afghan province of Bamyan held on Monday their first annual meeting since the formation of their professional association – a group supported by

  5. Transcript of press conference on Mid Year Report on Protection of Civlians

    31 July 2013 KABUL  -  Below is the near verbatim transcript of the press conference given on the occasion of the launch of the Mid-Year Report on the Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict i

  6. SRSG for Children and Armed Conflict Radhika Coomaraswamy Press Conference

    24 February 2010 KABUL - Transcript of press conference in Kabul by Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict, Radhika Coomaraswamy; Deputy Special Representat

  7. Afghanistan’s community leaders call peace the country’s single highest priority

    2 December 2019 GARDEZ /BAMYAN  - Peace remains the single most important aspiration for the people of ...

  8. UNAMA's weekly press conference

    30 November 2009 KABUL - Transcript of press conference by Norah Niland, UNAMA Human Rights Unit; Zia Moballegh, acting Country Director for the International Center for Human Rights and Democratic

  9. Press conference with Special Advisor on Development to the SRSG, Mark Ward,

    6 July 2009 KABUL - Transcript of press conference by Mark Ward, Special Advisor on Development to the Special Representative of the Secretary-General in Afghanistan and Dr Nilab Mobarez, UNAM

  10. Peace negotiations a golden opportunity for Afghanistan say northeast religious leaders

    16 November 2020... FAIZABAD –  Afghan Peace Negotiations represent a historic milestone and offer a ...
