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  1. UN official condemns killing of journalists in Afghanistan and Brazil

    4 October 2011 NEWYORK - The head of the United Nations agency that defends press freedom today condemned the killing of an Iranian journalist in an attack in neighbouring Afghanistan, and called

  2. Ban welcomes humanitarian group’s efforts to rid Afghanistan of mines

    20 October 2009 KABUL - Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has praised a humanitarian organization committed to eradicating landmines worldwide for its efforts to turn minefields into agricultural land

  3. Afghan returnees build homes with UN assistance

    23 May 2011 JALALABAD - Like many Afghan returnees, when Sayd Arif returned to Afghanistan in 2005 his main concern was where to live.

  4. Transport union partners with UN to de-mine Afghan roads

    29 January 2011 28 January 2011 - Landmines and explosive remnants of war continue to put thousands of communities in Afghanistan at risk of death or injury, but the problem can be solved with adequate funding of

  5. UN officials meet with Lashkar Gah leaders on local peace, development

    30 July 2018 LASHKAR GAH - To discuss the Helmand’s latest economic development plans, preparations for the upcoming elections and human rights topics, UNAMA’s Kandahar regional office organize

  6. Transcript of press conference on Mid Year Report on Protection of Civlians (July 2014)

    9 July 2014 KABUL  - Below is the near verbatim transcript of the press conference given on the occasion of the launch of the Mid-Year Report on the Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict in

  7. Press conference with UNAMA and UN Working Group

    9 April 2009 KABUL - Press conference by Amada Benavides De Perez and Alexander Nikitin, United Nations working group on the use of mercenaries and Dan McNorton, Press Officer, UNAMA.

  8. UN envoy voices continued support for women’s participation in Afghan political processes

    28 March 2013 KABUL - At a meeting held to discuss the challenges facing Afghan women journalists, the United Nations envoy for Afghanistan assured them of the world body’s continued support for

  9. 'A Strategy for Transition to Afghan Leadership' by Kai Eide

    6 March 2010 KABUL - On his last day in Afghanistan as the UN's top envoy in the country, the Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General, Kai Eide, releases a major policy p

  10. Transcript of media stakeout following Nicholas Haysom's briefing to the Security Council

    21 December 2015 NEW YORK - The near verbatum transcript of remarks by Nicholas Haysom at a media stakeout at the United Nations following his briefing to the Security Council.
