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  1. Mock voting exercise in Bamyan

    19 August 2009 19 August 2009 - “Can you help me choose a good person as president?” asks a woman voter in a blue burqa to the ballot paper issuer at a mock polling station.  

  2. Toward a safer workplace and equal opportunities for western Afghan women

    23 January 2018 HERAT - Improving the conditions of working Afghan women by ensuring equal opportunity and treatment is the objective of a newly appointed gender specialist in the office the gover

  3. Briefing by Special Representative Staffan de Mistura to the Security Council

    29 September 2010 Download SRSG to SC_29 SEPT_0.pdf (218.39 KB)

  4. NSP completes 1,500 development schemes in Khost

    19 December 2010... families, have been executed under the National Solidarity Programme (NSP) of the Ministry of Rural Rehab ...

  5. Press conference with Jeremy Gilley, Founder, Peace One Day and Jude Law, Ambassador, Peace One Day

    1 September 2008... - Transcript of press conference by Jeremy Gilley, Founder, Peace One Day and Jude Law, Ambassador, Peace One Day. ...

  6. Press conference with UNAMA Spokesperson, Aleem Siddique

    18 May 2009 KABUL - Transcript of press conference by Aleem Siddique, Spokesperson, UNAMA Strategic Communication and Spokespersons Unit and Dr Nilab Mobarez, UNAMA Strategic Communication and

  7. Dr Eric Laroche, Asst. DG, Health Action in Crises and Peter Graaff, WHO, Country Representative

    26 April 2010 KABUL - Transcript of press conference in Kabul by Dr Eric Laroche, Assistant Director-General for Health Action in Crises, World Health Organization (WHO), Peter Graaff, WHO Repre

  8. Reducing violence is crucial in coping with the humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan

    14 September 2020... humanitarian crisis, observed participants in a series of radio discussions in Afgh ...

  9. Press conference with Dr. Nilab Mobarez, UNAMA Spokesperson's Office

    4 February 2008 KABUL - Transcript of press conference by Dr. Nilab Mobarez UNAMA Spokesperson's Office.

  10. Press conference with UNAMA Press Officer, Nazifullah Salarzai

    25 January 2010 KABUL - Transcript of press conference in Kabul by Nazifullah Salarzai, Press Officer, UNAMA Strategic Communication and Spokespersons Unit.
