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  1. North eastern Afghanistan hears about the elections

    15 June 2009 KABUL - Across Afghanistan a huge outreach programme is moving up a gear as hundreds of thousands of people start to hear ...

  2. North eastern Afghanistan hears about the elections

    21 June 2009... 15 June 2009 - Across Afghanistan a huge outreach programme is moving up a gear as hundreds of thousands of people start to hear ...

  3. On World Habitat Day, UN chief calls for making cities and towns accessible to all

    7 October 2013 KABUL - Marking World Habitat Day today, the United Nations Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon, has called for making cities and towns more accessible.

  4. Afghan women’s full participation essential to ongoing peace process, says UN envoy

    13 June 2019... KUNDUZ - Afghan women have a fundamental role to play in the ongoing peace process, which must be inclusive for the peace that emerges to be truly sustainable, said the UN’s top en ...

  5. KHOST: Wheat production decreases

    3 July 2013 KHOST - Provincial authorities have reported a decrease in wheat production in Khost province during the current year.

  6. New premises and modernized networking at the custom house, by World Bank and UNOPS

    6 March 2012 JALALABAD - New customs facilities in Jalalabad that were funded by the World Bank and implemented by UNOPS (United Nations Office for Project Services) are expected to allow impor

  7. Afghanistan’s anti-corruption efforts the focus of Kabul conference

    5 May 2016 KABUL - President Ashraf Ghani outlined Afghanistan’s anti-corruption efforts at a meeting in Kabul today, drawing high-level representatives from the Afghan autho

  8. Press conference with UNAMA and WFP

    1 May 2008... conference by Anthony Banbury, United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) Regional Director for Asia and Nazifullah Salarzai, UNAMA ...

  9. Press Release on the launch of Afghan People’s Dialogue on Peace

    13 December 2011... report released today, Afghan People’s Dialogue on Peace: Laying the Foundations for an Inclusive Peace Process, summarises the findings of an initiative of 14 Afghan organi ...

  10. Safe water in Afghanistan: A child’s story

    10 May 2009 KABUL - Fakhria is a 12 year-old schoolgirl from the suburbs of Kabul.
