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  1. UN-backed anti-narcotics panel calls for ‘concrete action’ to address Afghan drug problem

    5 March 2014 KABUL - An independent monitoring body for the implementation of United Nations drug control conventions has urged Afghanistan – the world’s largest producer of opium – to trans

  2. Dangers of child recruitment brought to life in UN-backed theatre series

    4 July 2016 KANDAHAR - A series of UNAMA-backed theatre performances have reached thousands of children and adults in southern Kandahar province with dramatic depictions of the dangers of chil

  3. International Women’s Day Planet 50-50 by 2030: Step It Up for Gender Equality

    8 March 2016 KABUL - The United Nations in Afghanistan celebrates today International Women’s Day, which is being marked globally under the theme of “Planet 50-50 by 2030” to challenge entrench

  4. Parties to the conflict must abide by international humanitarian and human rights laws on protection of civilians, say Kandahar panelists

    29 April 2019 KANDAHAR - The p rotection of civilians is the obligation of all partie

  5. UNHCR assists returnee families in livelihood improvement in eastern Afghanistan

    29 August 2012 KABUL - The UN refugee agency (UNHCR) in Afghanistan has recently completed implem

  6. Top UN envoy to Afghanistan calls for greater political effort to end conflict

    24 February 2010 24 February 2010 - The outgoing United Nations envoy to Afghanistan has warned that – on its own – the massive United States-led military push in Taliban strongholds in southern Helmand province wi

  7. Dr Eric Laroche, Asst. DG, Health Action in Crises and Peter Graaff, WHO, Country Representative

    26 April 2010 KABUL - Transcript of press conference in Kabul by Dr Eric Laroche, Assistant Director-General for Health Action in Crises, World Health Organization (WHO), Peter Graaff, WHO Repre

  8. Afghanistan: Senior UN rights official urges more action to end attacks on civilians

    11 May 2018 NEW YORK/GENEVA/KABUL   - UN

  9. Transcript: SRSG Staffan de Mistura speaks to BBC on threat to burn Quran

    9 September 2010 9 September 2010 - SRSG Staffan de Mistura appeared on the BBC's programme, The Hub, on Wednesday to call on the religious group to not go ahead with its threat to burn copies of the Quran. 

  10. Attack on Afghan aid workers prompts UN call for better security

    25 June 2009 24 June 2009 - The acting United Nations Humanitarian Coordinator in Afghanistan, Tekeste Tekie, today called for better security for aid workers, after three national staff of a local non-governme
