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  1. Digital media being used in Kapisa for more open government

    10 July 2017 MAHMOOD RAQI -  The Kapisa provincial government, civil society and private sector have launched a joint social media campaign in a bid to make public information more accessible to

  2. Head of key regional group advocates closer ties with UN to tackle security threats

    6 February 2010 5 February 2010 - The head of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) today called for boosting the body’s partnership with the United Nations to tackle threats to peace and

  3. More than 6,300 polling centres to open for Saturday's run-off election – IEC

    11 June 2014 KABUL -  The Afghan body responsible for organizing Saturday’s second round run-off in the country’s Presidential elections has said that more than 6,300 polling centres will ope

  4. Participation of Kunduz women in good governance highlighted at UN-backed roundtable

    25 September 2016 KUNDUZ  - The key role of women in supporting good governance in Kunduz was a major takeaway from a UNAMA-backed consultative meeting in this northeastern province.

  5. Badakhshan discussion series raises awareness, confidence in Afghan legal system

    6 October 2016 FAIZABAD - Raising awareness and confidence in the Afghan legal system is the aim of a series of 12 UNAMA-backed events that kicked off in north-east Badakhshan province recently.

  6. Release of UNAMA's report 'Afghanistan’s Fight Against Corruption: The Other Battlefield’

    25 April 2017 KABUL - The following is a transcript of a press conference on 25 April 2017 about the release of UNAMA's report 'Afghanistan’s Fight Against Corruption: The Other Battlefield.’

  7. Ghazni religious scholars & officials focus on peace

    22 May 2016 GHAZNI - Exchanging perspectives on peace and how it can be achieved for the benefit of the country’s development was the focus of a forum that brought together a diverse range of

  8. Bamyan women discuss ways to tackle workplace harassment

    18 December 2016 BAMYAN  - Improving conditions for women in the workforce, including responding effectively to workplace harassment, was the focus of a UNAMA-supported event in central Bamyan provi

  9. Peace Day 2009: A child’s dream

    20 September 2009 20 September 2009 - UNAMA press officer in the North of Afghanistan Alexandre Brecher-Dolivet, offers a personal reflection on peace efforts in the country.  

  10. Despite progress Afghanistan needs to do more to sustain its economic growth, says IMF

    26 May 2014 KABUL -   Despite “significant progress” made over the past decade in boosting Afghanistan’s economy, much more needs to be done to sustain high and inclusive econom
