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  1. Promoting human rights values the focus of UN-backed events across Afghanistan

    11 December 2018 KABUL - To support efforts by Afghanistan’s communities and institutions to protect and promote human rights and fundamental freedoms, civil society members, government officials,

  2. Afghan election body starts telephone hotline to answer poll queries

    17 July 2013 KABUL - The Independent Election Commission (IEC) of Afghanistan started a toll-free telephone hotline in the capital, Kabul, on Tuesday, to provide “correct information” to the Af

  3. Reverse negative trends this year or they will become irreversible – Kai Eide

    4 March 2010 KABUL - The outgoing top United Nations envoy for Afghanistan today stressed the need to reverse the negative trends in the country within the year or they will inevitably become “

  4. Surobi Elders’ Shura pledge to work for peace and development in the district

    2 September 2018 SUROBI - Members of the Elders’ Shura in the Surobi district of Kabul have reiterated their commitment to working for local peace and in support of economic development.

  5. Women’s access to justice the focus of discussion at Baghlan event

    13 September 2018 PUL-E-KHUMRI - Participants at a UN-backed event in the northeastern capital of Baghlan recommended that crimes of violence against women should go through the formal justice syste

  6. Interview with Tadamichi Yamamoto, the UN Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Afghanistan

    3 October 2016 NEW YORK - Tadamichi Yamamoto, the UN Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Afghanistan, was recently interviewed by the UN News Centre.

  7. Need for effective community policing discussed at UN-backed meeting

    25 June 2013 KABUL -  National and international police officials and experts today exchanged knowledge on community policing in Afghanistan, including on ways to build t...

  8. Accurate information empowers communities in Afghanistan’s fight against Covid-19

    18 May 2020 KABUL  - Access to accurate information helps reduce anxiety and serves to empower Afghanistan’s communities in

  9. As Afghan war grinds on, a marginalized young generation raises its voice

    17 October 2017 HERAT - It is “show time” on Asia Television in Western Afghanistan as talk show guest Somaia Ramish replies to a pointed question about war and peace.

  10. Time for shift to greater Afghan responsibility for peace and stability – UN official

    18 March 2010 NEW YORK - The time has come to transform the relationship between Afghanistan and its partners to enable greater responsibility on the part of Afghans themselves and an increasing
