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  1. TV channel airs documentary series featuring UN’s work in Afghanistan

    2 April 2013 KABUL -  Afghanistan’s state television channel is broadcasting the second season of a series of documentaries featuring an in-depth look at the work of the United Nations, as well

  2. Parwan province launches digital media campaign to promote open government

    30 October 2017 MAHMOOD RAQI - The Parwan provincial government together with civil society and the private sector have launched a social media campaign to enhance open government and citizens acc

  3. New UNAMA chief pledges support for efforts towards Afghan stability and socioeconomic improvement

    13 March 2010... de Mistura, the new chief of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA), has arrived in Kabul, assuring his support for ...

  4. Fighting corruption takes community cooperation, panellists stress in UN-backed televised debates

    11 April 2017 KABUL - To eliminate corruption from Afghanistan, every individual in every community across the country must play an active role, said panellists in televised UN-backed debates he

  5. Election training for 35,000 Afghan police officers

    21 June 2009 KABUL - A major programme is underway in Afghanistan to train 35,000 police officers in time for the 20 August presidential and provincial council elections.

  6. Farah leaders strategize on women’s economic and political empowerment

    25 May 2017 HERAT - Empowerment of Afghan women and their increased participation in the country’s economic and political development was at the centre of a lively UNAMA-backed debate in the w

  7. Social media campaign promotes women’s rights in Afghanistan’s central highlands region

    27 July 2017 BAMYAN - Raising awareness about women’s rights and gender-based violence is the aim of a new UN-backed social media campaign in the country’s central highlands provinces of Bamyan

  8. Journalists in Afghanistan’s east focus on access to information, transparency

    23 May 2017 JALALABAD - In the eastern region of Afghanistan, the UN is working on an initiative to leverage the power of local radio and television to build support for government transparenc

  9. Elders’ role in bringing stability to Afghanistan’s east, focus of new TV discussion

    24 September 2017 JALALABAD - In Afghanistan’s eastern region, elders are central to resolving local conflicts.

  10. Nangarhar tribes sign local peace pact to end longstanding, violent dispute

    27 September 2018 JALALABAD - A UN-backed peace initiative has helped ease a longstanding land dispute in Nangarhar, demonstrating the power of local communities to determine their fate through dial
