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  1. UN calls on all parties to respect health facilities

    23 February 2016... The United Nations reminds all parties to the conflict in Afghanistan of their obligation to always respect the provision of healthcare, ...

  2. On World Food Day, officials say food exports key to jobs and peace

    22 October 2009... farmers from across the country were felicitated by the Ministry of Agriculture on the occasion of World Food Day in Afghanistan. ...

  3. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon's message on World Health Day

    29 March 2011 "Combat Antimicrobial Resistance: No Action Today, No Cure Tomorrow"

  4. UN spotlights role of midwives in improving maternal and children’s health

    19 June 2011 The United Nations is set to unveil a report highlighting the vital work of midwives in ensuring that millions of women and newborn children do not die needlessly at a time when many countries stil

  5. WHO to increase health services for remote population in under-resourced Bamyan

    5 October 2010 5 October 2010 - The World Health Organization (WHO) pledged its commitment to work with health authorities in the under-resourced province of Bamyan to reach remote ...

  6. Mid-Year Report 2011- Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict - 14 July

    14 July 2011... Mistura, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Afghanistan: ...


    12 January 2023... UNAMA Human Rights Section gathers credible and accurate reports regarding the Human Rights situation in Afghanistan. ...

  8. UNICEF supports the Government of Afghanistan to immunize 7.7 Million children against polio

    19 August 2009 KABUL - From 26-28 July the Ministry of Public Health, with support of UNICEF, WHO and partners from the civil society are ...

  9. UN humanitarian agency reports sharp rise in attacks against aid workers in Afghanistan

    16 September 2013 KABUL - Afghanistan experienced a sharp rise in attacks against aid workers and health facilities last month, raising fears that humanitarian access might ...

  10. Afghanistan struggles to provide health care for its citizens

    30 December 2009 KABUL - Afghanistan has made strides in repairing its health infrastructure which was completely destroyed following years of war. ...
