Press Releases

  • 11 May 2013 - KABUL - The Ministry of Finance today signed a grant agreement of $55 million with the World Bank. The grant is being provided by the International Development Association (IDA) – the World Bank’s concessional lending arm – to assist Afghan youth to advance their skills and...
  • 02 May 2013 - KABUL - On the eve of World Press Freedom Day, the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) calls on all political stakeholders in the country to join hands in securing freedom of the press and the right of expression that have been one of the main  achievements...
  • 08 Apr 2013 - KABUL - The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) expresses its serious concern over the deaths of at least 11 civilians, including 10 children and one woman, and injuries to seven others, in an armed clash during a joint Afghan-NATO operation against the...
  • 05 Apr 2013 - Council condemns attack on Afghan civilians in ‘strongest terms’ NEW YORK - The members of the Security Council condemned in the strongest terms the terrorist attack on 3 April in Farah province of Afghanistan, causing numerous deaths and injuries of mostly civilians. The...
  • 04 Apr 2013 - KABUL - The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) strongly condemns an attack against a Government compound in the south-western province of Farah on 3 April that resulted in the deaths of at least 41 civilians, most of whom were civilian Government workers,...
