Women’s crucial role in politics the focus of UN debate in Badakhshan

20 Apr 2016

Women’s crucial role in politics the focus of UN debate in Badakhshan

FAIZABAD - It is critical that Afghan women participate in peace processes, security initiatives and political spheres, said government and community leaders at a televised forum broadcast in Badakhshan, a northeastern mountainous province populated mostly by rural communities.

More 60 participants, including representatives from government offices, civil society groups, media outlets and universities, attended the event, which was facilitated by UNAMA’s Kunduz regional office to provide a platform for community leaders to discuss the vital role of women in all segments of Afghan society, particularly in politics and in promoting peace and security.

The forum, aired live from Faizabad on local television and two radio stations, reaching an estimated 250,000 Badakhshan residents, gave participants an opportunity to highlight the importance of Afghan women in politics and peace.

“Women are participating in Badakhshan’s local governance,” said Namdar Khan Hamid, the Provincial Governor’s head of capacity-building. “But more efforts are required.”

Highlighting UN Security Council Resolution 1325, which stresses the need for women to be involved in peace and security issues, Antonella Bernardini, a UNAMA Human Rights Officer, spoke at the event and talked about ensuring that “women’s perspectives and experiences are taken into account and contribute toward shaping lasting peace in the country.”

According to the local officials, during the past decade women’s presence and participation in Badakhshan’s local administrations has increased to 18 per cent, with targets now set to reach 30 per cent by 2018 to meet the goals set out by the government’s National Action Plan for Afghan Women.

UNAMA is mandated to support the Afghan Government and relevant international and local non-governmental organizations to assist in the full implementation of the fundamental freedoms and human rights provisions of the Afghan Constitution and international treaties to which Afghanistan is a State party, in particular those regarding the full enjoyment by women of their human rights.