Asmaee Bridged Innovated

15 Mar 2012

Asmaee Bridged Innovated

KABUL - The newly constructed Asmaee Bridge in Kabul city, designed to reduce Kabul city traffic congestion, was officially opened at an impressive function today. Print English - Dari

Kabul Mayor, Mohammad Yonus Nawandish and special representative from Japan Embassy in Afghanistan, were present on the occasion.

The construction of the Asmaee Bridge was part of a project implemented by UNOPS to support the Kabul municipality to reduce traffic congestion. This project was funded by the Government of Japan and the project has included the rehabilitation of the Arthal Bridge, construction of a new bridge by the Kabul zoo, and rehabilitation of access roads in Asmaee Watt. The construction of a new bridge, and the rehabilitation of the side roads by the river, and the Asmaee Bridge, have already reduced traffic congestion in Kabul city and facilitated the people of Kabul to face less traffic jams while traveling in the heart of Kabul city.

The UNOPS Afghanistan Operations Center (UNOPS AGOC) is working in 32 provinces of Afghanistan. In 2011, under UNOPS AGOC’s portfolio, and with great support from the donor community, 5 large infrastructure projects were completed while another 25 small and big projects remain under implementation across the country.

UNOPS AGOC supports the Afghan Government’s objective of bringing sustainable development to the country through continued support in building of schools, bridges, hospitals, air ports, universities and custom facilities. The government of Japan, and other donor countries, has been supporting UNOPS as a successful project implementer and good partner in providing logistical and technical support to the Government of Afghanistan.

UNOPS AGOC efforts also involve supporting the Government of Afghanistan in building the capacity of the Governmental employees in different areas of work.

UNOPS AGOC has been supporting the Government of Afghanistan since 2002 and will provide its support until the Government of Afghanistan and the Afghan private sector is no longer in need of UNOPS’ services in the country.

For more information on UNOPS AGOC activities in Afghanistan, please contact Somah Ibrahimi, Public Relation Officer, , Mobile, 0797577934