Afghans show solidarity with Japan

15 Mar 2011

Afghans show solidarity with Japan

14 March 2011- Leaders and ordinary citizens throughout Afghanistan have stepped forward to pledge assistance and demonstrate their solidarity with the people of Japan. On Monday, the mayor of Kandahar pledged $50,000 to the government of Japan and in Bamyan and Dai Kundi residents and politicians organized vigils and issued statements to express their sympathy. On Friday northern Japan was rocked by a 9-magnitude earthquake that spawned a killer tsunami. Thousands of people are feared to be dead.

A group of Bamyan youth gathered Monday with a banner stating, “We are poor but are rich in our willingness to offer assistance to the people of Japan during your time of need.”

The Bamyan youth also announced their readiness to be called upon “for any possible help and support… as the government and people of Japan have contributed a lot in the reconstruction process of Afghanistan.”

“We ask the Government of Afghanistan to support and help the victims of the recent catastrophe (in Japan) based on its capacity," read their statement.

On Sunday Alhaj Qurban Ali Urozgani, the Governor of the Province of Dai Kundi, said “At this hour of grief and mourning in your country, I want to assure you that the thoughts and solidarity of Dai Kundi province officials and people will accompany the government and people of Japan.”