UN's Eide meets US Defense Secretary

9 Dec 2009

UN's Eide meets US Defense Secretary

9 December 2009 - The United Nations Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Afghanistan, Kai Eide, today met with the US Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates in Kabul, where he presented his civilian agenda proposals for Afghanistan, first articulated at the ISAF Foreign Ministers meeting in Brussels on 4-5 December.


The UN’s top envoy outlined the need for a more compact structure for coordinating civilian assistance in order to move forward in Afghanistan.

He called for the United Nations, the International Security Assistance Force, the European Union and key donors to ensure they all work together in a more coordinated and streamlined way.

“There is no other choice. We all have to change our mindset and be more geared towards a coordinated approach,” said Mr Eide.

The Special Representative also underlined the need to avoid a situation where pressure for immediate results lead to an acceleration of quick-impact projects and drew attention further away from long-term sustainable solutions.

“This applies in particular to the building of civilian institutions and Afghanistan’s economic growth,” said Mr Eide.

“The launching of President Obama’s strategy and the ISAF Foreign Ministers has provided a new momentum in the partnership between Afghanistan and the international community. However, that new momentum is still fragile and must now be consolidated with the appointment and work of the new Afghan government and the preparations for the London conference on 28 January 2010,” added Mr Eide.