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KABUL - President Hamid Karzai has kicked off a United Nations-backed polio vaccination drive targeting some 7.7 million children in Afghanistan, one of four countries, along with India, Nigeria and Pakistan, where the disease is still endemic.
BALKH - For the first time ever a group of law students from Balkh University in Mazar-i-Sharif will compete in the internationally prestigious Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition.
KABUL - Press conference by Adrian Edwards, Senior UN Spokesman, UNAMA; Nilab Mobarez, Press Officer, UNAMA and Nader Farhad, UNHCR.
12 February 2009 - The International Development Law Organization (IDLO) is very pleased to announce the publishing of the first Human Rights and International Law Terms Glossary in Dari.
15 January 2009 - Women in the world’s least developed countries are 300 times more likely to die in childbirth or from pregnancy-related complications than women in developed countries, according to UNICEF’s latest State of the World’s Children report, released today.
1 February 2009 - 2009 looks set to witness a further decrease in opium cultivation in Afghanistan, according to a joint report of the Ministry of Counter Narcotics and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.