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8 March 2009 - Seldom have I been as shocked and saddened than by what I saw recently in the eastern Congo. There, I met a young woman - a girl, really, just 18 years old. She told me this story.
KABUL - The Security Council today extended the United Nations presence in Afghanistan for another year, while recognizing the key role played by the world body in coordinating international efforts in the country and in supporting upcoming elections.
KABUL - The United Nations drug control agency has signed agreements with the Government of Iran to provide HIV prevention and care services to women and Afghan refugees there who are dependent on drugs.
20 March 2009 - Mazar-i-Sharif is the iconic and popular host for the New Year celebrations in Afghanistan as it’s known as Umulbelad or Mother of Cities. Mazar, the capital of Balkh province, is popular because of the Shrine of Hazrat Ali (the Blue Mosque).
KABUL - International priorities in Afghanistan - including security, long-term institution-building and stability throughout the coming elections - remain valid, but what is lacking is adequate resources and political will, the top United Nations envoy to the strife-torn country
19 March 2009 - Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon will embark next week on a trip that will take him to Russia, Qatar, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, France and Turkey to tackle issues such as consolidating stability in Afghanistan, the Middle East peace process and the current economic turmoil